Goofy, adorable, simple, iconic and lovable geckos.
One for me... One for you!
Sit tight, it will be ready soon! <3Blep.
Morbi semper nisl et dictum cursus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam blandit etiam vel massa eget mollis. Donec at quam orci. Proin et semper metus. Donec tempus id nunc in bibendum ipsum tempus magna.Explain the origin, mission, history, and goalthen ask if interested in owning Gek

Adopting Gek
Aliquam vel vestibulum metus, eget sodales justo. Vestibulum semper risus id blandit efficitur. Curabitur quis lobortis elit, sed ultricies etiam. Aliquam congue id ipsum et fringilla. Mauris lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.Explain how to own Gek, what need to be done, link Patreon and Ko-Fi. How Geks is tradeable. And etcs. Maybe make a new page for the rules under spoiler???
The end with information about database.

Donec ut felis bibendum, sagittis lectus eu, cursus nunc. Nam ex tortor, efficitur eu lacus imperdiet, ornare vestibulum sapien. Quisque malesuada sapien sit amet nisl egestas, sit amet interdum metus porttitor veroeros.Excel-like chart list of who own, what Gek looks like, date, contact info, tradeable, etcs. etcs
# | Gek's Name | Owner | Date | Tradeable | Sell |
1 | Neuromancer | Ashe | 4/28/2022 | Ask | No |
2 | Wholesome | Min Min | 4/29/2022 | Ask | No |
3 | Knight | HeavenKnight | 4/29/2022 | Ask | No |

Gek 1 name
Owner: Ashe
Link: linkPale blue gecko with cat eyes and stitches on cheek.

Gek 2 name
Owner: Min Min
Link: linkWholesome plant gecko, carries potted plant everywhere

Owner: Heavenknight
Link: linkSharp, bright, and happy gecko, eyes always cross inward.
Thank You
Magna sed justo. Donec et odio sed felis sagittis imperdiet. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes etiam.